Cry Me A River Fest 2012
get in touch: label@reactwithprotest.orgmore info
Grinding Halt & Lich Winter Show
Baracke MünsterCry Me A River Fest 2011
June 24-25 2011 Wöstenkrug, Versmold
get all information at the CMAR 2011 website.
June Paik & November 13th & Resurrectionists & Lara Korona Bremen Matinee Show

Grinding Halt
Saturday, 25.10.
SL-27 & Vorwaerts Schoener Weltenkotzer
17.11.together with vorwärts schöner weltenkotzer, burning horizon and danse macabre at cafe panama in fulda

Cry Me A River Fest 2008
more info here
The Third Memory & Dominic
Saturday, 12.04.2008at the LALA haus in Versmold

THE THIRD MEMORY [homepage] [myspace]
DOMINIC [myspace]
Attack Of The Mad Axeman & Of Human Debris
Sunday, 16.03.2008at the LALA haus in Versmold
Mal wieder nett ne Matinee Show im Busch erleben? Dann noch mit wilden Tieren die Grindcore schrebbeln?! Dann ab nach Peckeloh am 16.03. auf nem Sonntag Nachmittag ins LALA Haus zu Kaffe und Kuchen wird dann gegrindet was das Zeug hlt! Mit dabei: ATTACK OF THE MAD AXEMAN(grindcore) [homepage] [myspace]
OF HUMAN DEBRIS(metal grind) [myspace]
Einlass: 15:30, Beginn: 16:30
Cry Me A River Fest 2007
Cease Upon The Capitol
24.06.together with vorwärts schöner weltenkotzer at the lala haus in versmold

Magrudergrind trash grinding mayhem + support at the LALA Haus in versmold

June Paik & A Fine Boat That Coffin
Sunday, 29th april 200716.00 at the Lala Haus in Versmold(see directions below!)

fluoride & aureole of ash europe bloody europe 2019

the gentle art of chokin January 2014 Tour
17.01.2014 Bremen, G1818.01.2014 Dortmund, nordpol
cloud rat Tour 2013
04.3 UK London @ the New Cross Inn w/ Lich, Jackals & Sky:Lark05.3 UK Norwich @ Take 5 (the Crypt) w/ Lich, Jackals
06.3 UK Nottingham @ Annie's Burger Shack at the Navigation Inn w/ Lich, Moloch, Death Thripper
07.3 UK Edinburgh @ Banshee Labyrinth w/ Lich
08.3 UK Bradford @ Equal Fest (the 1 in 12 club) w/ Lich & Loads More!
09.3 UK Margate @ the Practice Rooms w/ Lich, Man Hands & Human Junk
10.3 FR Paris @ Le Cafe de Paris w/ Lich
11.3 FR Toulouse @ Le Pavillon Sauvage w/ Lich
12.3 SP Madrid @ Rock Palace w/ Lich
13.3 SP Barcelona w/ Lich
14.3 FR Hyeres @ Jolly Rogers w/ Lich
15.3 IT Milan w/ Lich
16.3 A Graz w/ Lich
17.3 A Vienna @ EKH w/ Lich & Deathseekers
18.3 CZ Prague @ Cafe Na Pul Cesty w/ Lich
19.3 D Erlangen @ Jugendhaus w/ Lich, Rvivr & Dogjaw
20.3 B Antwerp @ Music City w/ Lich & San Diablo
21.3 NL Nijmegen w/ Resurrectionists & Lich
22.3 D Münster @ Baracke w/ Resurrectionists, Lich
23.3.D Hamburg @ Rote Flora w/ Resurrectionists
24.3. DK Valby @ Kraftwerket w/ Resurrectionists
25.3. Sweden ??? w/ Resurrectionists
26.3. S Stockholm @ IOGT-huset i Skarpnäck w/ Resurrectionists
27.3. N Oslo @ Blitz tbc w/ Resurrectionists
28.3. S Gothenburg @ Härden w/ Resurrectionists
29.3. DK Aalborg @ 1000 Fryd w/ Resurrectionists
30.3. D Bremen @ Römer w/ Resurrectionists
31.3. D Mülheim @ AZ w/ Resurrectionists, Jungbluth
01.4. NL Groningen @ Vera Basement
02.4. D Berlin @ Tiefgrund
03.4. PL Warsaw tba w/ Republic of Dreams
04.4. PL Wroclaw tba w/ Republic of Dreams
05.4. CZ Hradec Králové @ Hudební Klub#4 w/ Republic of Dreams
06.4. D Leipzig @ Plagwitz tbc
07.4. D Köln @ AZ
june paik Tour 2013
22.3 Münster @ Baracke23.3 Rouen @ Emporium Galorium
24.3 Paris @ The Rigoletto
25.3 Brighton @ the Prince Albert w/ Meandgoliath
26.3 Manchester @ the Bay Horse
27.3 Norwich @ the Red Lion
28.3 London @ the Grosvenor w/ Lich & Hunger
29.3 Antwerp @ Jc Den Eglantier
30.3 Mülheim/Ruhr @ AZ
31.3 Mainz @ Haus Mainusch
Tempest & Lich & Lentic Waters Europe Tour Summer 2012
28.06. Ger Münster @ Baracke29.06. CMAR FEST
30.06. CMAR FEST
01.07. Ger Leipzig w/ Lich tba
02.07. Ger Dresden @ Az Conni w/ Lich
03.07. H Budapest @ Szabad az Á. w/ Lich
04.07. A Vienna @ Venster 99 w/ Lich
05.07. Munich @ Sunny Red w/ Lich, Titan
06.07. Ger Erlangen @ Jugendhaus w/ Lich, June Paik
07.07. Ger Karlsruhe @ New Noise Fest
08.07. Mülheim @ AZ w/ Lentic Waters, Fuck Wolves
09.07. Köln w/ Lentic Waters tba
10.07. Berlin @ Scharni w/ Lentic Waters
11.07. Kiel @ Schaubude w/ Lentic Waters
12.07. Bremen w/ Lentic Waters tba
13.07. Ger Lübeck @ Veb w/ Lentic Waters
14.07. NL Zwolle @ Eureka w/ Lentic Waters
15.07. Aachen w/ Lentic Waters, Titan
16.07. B Gent @ Frontline w/ Lentic Waters
17.07. UK Folkstone / Ashford
18.07. UK Manchester / Norwich
19.07. UK London
20.07. Uk Brighton
21.07. F Paris tba
22.07. Ger Giessen @ ak 44
Titan Europe Tour Summer 2012
29.06. CMAR FEST30.06. CMAR FEST
01.07. Leipzig w/ Tempest, Lich
02.07. Dresden w/ Tempest, Lich
03.07. Graz w/ Vestiges
04.07. Milan
05.07. Munich w/ Tempest, Lich
06.07. Paris TBA
08.07. Montpellier HELP
09.07. Torello
10.07. Madrid
11.07. Lisbon HELP
12.07. Vitoria-Gasteiz TBC
13.07. Toulouse HELP
14.07. Freiburg OR Day Off
15.07. Aachen
16.07. Gent w/ Tempest, Lentic Waters
17.07. Hamburg w/ Lentic Waters
18.07. Munster w/ Lentic Waters
19.07. Mulheim
20.07. Hameln
22.07. Berlin
Autarkeia & Panzram Summer Tour 2012
20th june - HELP !!21th june - Hradec Králové @
Soukromý hudební klub čp. 4
22nd june - Giessen @ Ak44
23rd june - HELP !! day off
24th june - Austria Graz @ Sub
25th june - Austria Wien @ Venster 99
26th june - Leipzig @ tba
27th june - Hamburg @ Rote Flora
28th june - Münster @ Baracke w/ tempest, battle of wolf 359 , resurrectionists
29th june - cmar
30th june - cmar
Resurrectionists CMAR is calling
28.06. Münster w/ Tempest29.06. CMAR
Resurrectionists Spring Tour 2012
19.05. Venlo Slow End Fest06.06. Munich tbc w/ Thou
07.06. Vienna w/ Thou
08.06. Prague w/ Thou
09.06. Berlin tbc w/ Thou
10.06. Copenhagen w/ Thou tbc
11.06. Groningen w/ Thou
16.06. Kiel Explode Fest
Grinding Halt & Thou & Resurrectionists Summer Tour 2012
06.06. D Leipzig @ Zoro w/ Resurrectionists07.06. A Vienna @ Venster 99 w/ Resurrectionists
08.06. CZ Prague @ Klub 007 w/ Resurrectionists, Hexis
09.06. D Berlin @ Cassiopeia w/ Resurrectionists , Hexis
10.06. D Göttingen @ Juzi w/ Resurrectionists , Downfall of Gaia
11.06. NL Groningen @ Vera w/ Grinding Halt, Resurrectionists
12.06. D Hamburg @ Rote Flora w/ Grinding Halt
13.06. D Essen @ Emokeller w/ Grinding Halt, Resurrectionists
14.06. B Gent @ Frontline w/ Grinding Halt
Resurrectionists Winter is calling 2012
24.02. Braunschweig @ Nexus w/ Hungry Lungs, Deathrite, Lentic Waters25.02. Köln the Weird the Dark and the Unholy Fest
Lich Winter Tour 2012
10.02. Ashford, UK w/ Toecutter, Man Hands11.02. Nijmegen, NETH @ Onderbroek w/ Resurrectionists, Lentic Waters
12.02. Munster, DE @ Baracke w/ Grinding Halt
13.02. Darmstadt, DE @ Oetinger Villa TBC
14.02. Giessen, DE @ AK44 w/ Lost Girls
15.02. Dresden, DE @ Scheune w/ Årabrot
16.02. Berlin, DE @ ZGK/Scharni38 w/ Sun Worship
17.02. Copenhagen, DK@ Bolsjefabrikken/Lærkevej w/ Hexis, No Fealty and Ajuna
18.02. Groningen, NETH @ Vera w/ The Gentle Art of Chokin' and Blood I Bleed
Loma Prieta Summer Tour 2011
06/09/11 - Paris, FR - @ Café de Paris07/09/11 - Marseille, FR - @ O'Bundies
08/09/11 - Milano, IT - @ Black Aut
09/09/11 - !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/09/11 - Mainz, DE - @ Haus Mainusch
11/09/11 - Göttingen, DE
12/09/11 - Berlin, DE - @ Scharni 38
13/09/11 - Dresden, DE - @ P7AC
14/09/11 - Hamburg, DE - @ Rote Flora
15/09/11 - Karslruhe, DE - @ Stadtmitte (Kleiner saal)
16/09/11 - Antwerp, BE - @ TBC
17/09/11 - Margate, UK - @ Westcoast bar
18/09/11 - Manchester, UK - @ Gullivers Manchester
19/09/11 - Glasgow, UK - @ 13th Note
20/09/11 - Nottingham, UK - @ The old angel
21/09/11 - London, UK - @ Grovesnor, Stockwell
22/09/11 - Brighton, UK - @ Sticky Mike's Frog Bar
23/09/11 - Kingston, UK - @ TBC
Resurrectionists & Lentic Waters Summer Tour 2011
25.07. @ Lala Haus Versmold26.07. @ Frontline Gent
27.07. @ Le Kalvaire Dunkerque
28.07. @ tba Paris
29.07. @ Above all practise rooms Margate
30.07. @ Stuck on a name Nottingham
31.07. @ the Birds Nest London
01.08. @ tba
02.08. @ tba
03.08. @ brighton tba
04.08. @ tba
05.08. @ Carlo Levi LIEGE
06.08. @ Ak44 Gießen
Veloz & Lich Europe June/July 2011
17/06 Margate, England – @ Above All Practice rooms.18/06 Liverpool – @ TBA (simon is sorting)
19/06 Glasgow, Scotland – @ the 13th Note w/ Prelude To The Hunt, Kaddish and In Tongues.
20/06 Manchester, England – @ The Whitworth
21/06 London, England – @ the Grosvenor w/ Drainland
22/06 Utrect, Netherlands - @Acu
23/06 Nijmegen, Netherlands - @ Onderbroek w/ Alpinist
24/06 Versmold, Germany – @ CMAR Fest (two days)
25/06 CMAR Day 2
26/06 Berlin, Germany – @ Cassiopeia w/ Rosetta, City of Ships, Reka
27/06 Poznan, Poland
28/06 Warsaw, Poland
29/06 Lodz, Poland – @ Bycze Oko w/ Buried in Teeth
30/06 Brno, Czech Republic – @ Vegalite
01/07 Germany
02/07 Germany
03/07 Belgium
04/07 Brighton – @ Greendoor Store
Beau Navire Summer Tour 2011
june 9- liege, BE @ carlo levi (w/ isaiah)june 10- paris, FR @ rigoletto (w/ TBA)
june 11- ghent, BE @ sint-lucas (w/ TBA)
june 12- tilburg, NL @ cafe little devil (w/ mio, angst, captain your ship is sinking, laatste halte)
june 13- hamburg, DE @ TBA
june 14- kiel, DE @ alte meierei kiel (w/ TBA)
june 15- dresden, DE @ TBA (jon's birthday!)
june 16- prague, CZ @ cafe na pul cesty (w/ OR)
june 17- hradec kralove, CZ @ TBA (w/ owls)
june 18- orlova, CZ @ TBA
june 19- budapest, HU @ szabad az a (w/ reka)
june 20- graz, AT @ TBA
june 21- koper, SI @ city pier (w/ thou, moloch, leechfeast)
june 22- milan, IT @ leoncavallo (w/ TBA)
june 23- munich, DE @ NEED HELP*
june 24- versmold, DE @ CMAR
june 25- karlsruhe, DE @ new noise festival
june 26- aachen, DE @ AZ (w/ punch, loma prieta, trainwreck, hammers, citizens)
june 27- berlin, DE @ lovelite (w/ raein, captain your ship is sinking)
Resurrectionists & Alpinist Winter Germany Tour 2011
04th Jan - Veb, Siegen, NRW05th Jan - Exzess, Frankfurt am Main
06th Jan - Juz, Mannheim
07th Jan - Jugendhaus, Erlangen w/ June Paik & Mio
08th Jan - HELP!!!
Battle Of Wolf 359 US Tour 2010
01.08. - Hartford, CT - Whitney House - w/ Vaccine, Vile Intent, Veloz02.08. - Allston, MA - Obriens Pub - w/ Remainder, Alessa, Pathos
03.08. - Brooklyn, NYC - Party Expo - w/ Zona Mexicana, Gloom
04.08. - Washington DC - TBA - HELP!!!!!
05.08. - Baltimore, MD - Bell Foundry - Bullet Fest w/ Pianos Became the Teeth, Tideland, Fair Root, We are Skeletons and more.
06.08. - Richmond, VA - Strange Matter - w/ TBA
07.08. - Greensboro, NC - Keiser 2 - w/ TBA
08.08. - Knoxville, TN - The Poison Lawn - w/ Dolcim
09.08. - Nashville, TN - World Trade Center - w/ Dolcim
10.08. - Chicago, IL - Summer Camp - w/ Parrhesia, Bad Words
11.08. - Grand Rapids, MI - DAAC - w/ Good Teeth / Gold Teeth, Nigel Thornberry
12.08. - Cleveland, OH - Now That's Class - w/ Pariah
13.08. - Pittsburgh, PA - TBA - HELP!!!
14.08. - Philadelphia, PA - TBA (venue is being moved) - w/ Gloom19.06. Giessen @ AK 44 DIY fest
Comadre Tour 2010
25.06. D Versmold @ CRY ME A RIVER FEST26.06. D Karlsruhe @ NEW NOISE FEST
27.06. NL Nijmegen @ the Onderbroek
28.06. D Giessen @ Ak44
29.06. D Hannover @ Stumpf
30.06. D Bremen @ Sielwallhaus
01.07. D Hamburg @ Rote Flora
02.07. D Aachen @ AZ
03.07. B Kortrijk @ The Pits
04.07. UK, Kingston @ Fighting Cocks
05.07. UK, Nottingham @ Chameleon Arts Cafe
06.07. UK, Leeds @ Fenton
07.07. UK, Durham @ Arlington House
08.07. UK, Glasgow @ 13th Note
09.07. UK, Manchester @ Spread Eagle
10.07. UK, London @ THE BIG TAKEOVER
11.07. UK, Brighton @ Prince Albert
12.07. B Messancy @ Rider's Park
13.07. F Caen @ L'excuse
14.07. F Paris @ TBA.....
15.07. D Freiburg @ KTS
16.07. SLO Koper @ TBA.....
17.07. A Graz @ SUB
18.07. A Wien @ Arena 3Raum Bar
19.07. D Nuernberg @ K4
20.07. D Muenchen @ Kafe Kult
21.07. D Berlin @ ?
22.07. D Leipzig @ Zoro
23.07. CZ Rokycany @ FLUFF FEST
Loma Prieta Tour 2010
08.06. F Paris @ Le Klub09.06. F Bordeaux @ Heretic Club
10.06. ES San Sebastian @ Sala Mogambo
11.06. ES La coruna @ Casa des Atochas
12.06. ES Gijon @ La nave
13.06. ES Madrid @ Wurlitzer Ballroom
14.06. ES Torello @ L'Eclectic
15.06 F Montpellier @ Le Baloard
16.06. Nice, france/genoa,italy- HELP
17.06. I Milan @ leoncavallo
18.06. Slovenia Pivka @ Cuza
19.06. Slovakia Cadca, @ Bagdad Mosh Fest
20.06. Hungary Budapest @ Zappa Cafe
21.06. CZ Prague @ Uknira
22.06. D Dresden @ Meschwitzstr.16
23.06. D Berlin @ Subversiv
24.06. Münster CMAR warm up tba
25.06. CMAR versmold - CMAR
The Saddest Landscape Tour 2010
18.06. S Malmo @ Utkanten19.06. D Berlin @ Subversiv
20.06. CZ Prague @ Green Doors
21.06. D München @ Kafe Marat
22.06. CH Zürich @ Binz Squat
23.06. A Wien @ Das Werk
24.06. Help
25.06. F Paris @ Peniche Alternat
26.06. D Peckeloh @ Cry Me A River Festival
Merkit & Dolcim Tour 2010
18.06. Zwolle / Netherlands19.06. Giessen @ AK 44 DIY fest
20.06. Osnabrück @Substanz Smash Fest w Magrudergrind, Resurrectionists
21.06. BREMEN w Resurrectionists
22.06. DK KOLDING @ House Show
23.06. ESSEN @ Emokeller w Resurrectionists
25+26.06. Peckeloh CMAR Fest
28.06. HELP
29.06. BERLIN @ Subversiv
30.06. DRESDEN
01.07. CZ Prague @ V JELENI
02.07. München @ Kafe Kult w/ June Paik
03.07. Nürnberg @ K4 w/ June Paik
Titan Tour 2010
26.06. CMAR // Peckeloh27.06. NL TBA
28.06. F Laval
29.06. F Toulouse
30.06. F Montpellier
01.07. F Lyon
02.07. F Paris
03.07. B Gent
04.07. NL Zwolle
05.07. S Malmo
06.07. S Tba
07.07. S Gothenburg
08.07. DK Copenhagen
09.07. D Leipzig
10.07. D Berlin
11.07. D Muelheim
Dolcim Tour 2009
21.05. Hannover - Sturmglocke22.05. Rosswein
23.05. Berlin - Lokal
24.05. Dresden ???
25.05. CZ Prague
26.05. ???
27.05. ???
28.05. München tbc
29.05. Austria tbc
30.05. Bergamo
31.05. Vigevano
01.06. Italy ???
02.06. Parma tbc
03.06. France ???
04.06. Besancon
05.06. Nancy w/ HIRO
06.06. Lille w/ HIRO
07.06. Amiens tbc
08.06. Brighton @ the Hobgoblin
09.06. Leeds @ waiting on info
10.06. Edinburgh tbc
11.06. Dundee, Scotland @ the balcony bar
12.06. Manchester
13.06. Southampton
14.06. Mol
15.06. ???
16.06. Aachen
17.06. Giessen / Darmstadt?
18.06. ???
19.06. ???
21.06. Trashfest
22.06. Hamburg / Bremen / Kiel ???
23.06. Copenhagen tbc
24.06. S Malmö
25.06. Hamburg / Kiel / Flensburg ???
27.06. CMAR
28.06. CMAR
Titan Tour 2008
Th 19.06. Versmold confirmedFr 20.06. Mülheim confirmed
Sa 21.06. Trashfest confirmed
Su 22.06. Belgien tbc
Mo 23.06. Frankfurt tbc
Tu 24.06. France help
We 25.06. France help
Th 26.06. France help
Fr 27.06. München tbc
Sa 28.06. Berlin confirmed
Su 29.06. ??? help
Mo 30.06. Leipzig confirmed
Tu 01.07. Braunschweig confirmed
We 02.07. Hamburg tbc
Th 03.07. Copenhagen tbc
Fr 04.07. CMAR confirmed
Loma Prieta Tour 2008
Sa 17.05. B Huy at Bar L'EscalierSu 18.05. F Lille at Restau Soleil
Mo 19.05. F Bordeaux at Heretic Club
Tu 20.05. F Montpellier tbc
We 21.05. E San Sebastian
Th 22.05. E Madrid at La Leyenda with a local band
Fr 23.05. E Oviedo at La Antigua Estacion with Enoch Ardon
Sa 24.05. E Logrono at Squat Villatruno
Su 25.05. F Day Off
Mo 26.05. F Paris at Le Klub
Tu 27.05. D München at Kafe Kult
We 28.05. D Fulda at Cafe Panama
Th 29.05. D Berlin at Raw Tempel
Fr 30.05. D Leipzig at Gieszerstrasze16
Sa 31.05. D Versmold at Lala Haus with Kontrapunkt
Su 01.06. D HELP!!!
Grinding Halt UK & Ireland Tour 2008
Fr 25.04. Guildford at GYC with BrainDead, Battle Of Wolf 359, Moloch, The Good WifeSa 26.04. Brighton at Cowley with Filth Of Mankind, Beginning of the End
Su 27.04. Southampton at The Hobbit with Kids Return, End The Agony and more
Mo 28.04. Lancaster at Yorkshire House with Volition and more
Tu 29.04. Edinburgh at the Ark with Filth Of Mankind and more
We 30.04. Galway at Sally Longs with Drainland
Th 01.05. Dublin at Lower Deck with Drainland, Sheep Dip and more
Fr 02.05. Corck at Fred's with Drainland
Sa 03.05. Bradford at 1in 12 with Jinn, Mob Rules, Warboys and more
Su 04.05. Nottingham at Chameleon with Jinn, Mob Rules, Gramercy Rffs and more
Her Breath On Glass & Khere Summer Tour 2007
11.08. austria at bordercross festival12.08. ger mÜnchen
13.08. ger hof tbc
14.08. ger leipzig ???
15.08. ger berlin ???
16.08. ger Hamburg ???
17.08. netherlands ???
18.08. ger Versmold at lala haus
Trainwreck Germany & US Tour 2007
26.07. Ger Frankfurt at Elfer (w/ patterns, danse macabre)27.07. Ger Fulda at Cafe Panama (w/ patterns, d.a.d.o.e.s.?)
28.07. Ger MÜnchen at Kafe Kult Disaster Disaster Fest
29.07. Ger Karlsruhe at Alte Hackerei (w/ patterns, grim)
14.08. Seattle, Washington at SS MARIE ANTOINETTE (w/ graf orlock, comadre, owen hart)
15.08. Olympia, Washington at THE EAGLE'S HALL (w/ graf orlock, comadre)
16.08. Roseburg, Oregon at RIVERSDALE GRANGE (w/ graf orlock, comadre)
17.08. Redwood City, California at THE ODDSTAD ART GALLERY (w/ graf orlock, comadre, daniel striped tiger)
18.08. Anaheim, California at CHAIN REACTION (w/ graf orlock, comadre, horse the band)
19.08. San Diego, California at THE CHE CAFE (w/ graf orlock, comadre. maladie)
20.08. Phoenix, arizona at the chamber
21.08. Tucson, Arizona at THE LIVING ROOM (w/ ghostlimb)
22.08. Clovis got cancelled! NEED HELP in NM or AZ!!! (w/ GHOSTLIMB)
23.08. Alburquerque, New Mexico at SUPERHAUSEN HOUSE
24.08. Denver, Colorado at tba
25.08. Provo, Utah at tba
26.08. Boise, Idaho at tba
27.08. Longview, Washington at tba
28.08. Tacoma, Washington at tba
29.08. Washington or central Oregon at tba
30.08. Medford, Oregon at MUSICHEAD
31.08. Fresno, California at TBA... (w/ comadre)
01.09. South Gate, California at CAFE KASHMIR (w/ comadre, ghost limb, trap them)
02.09. Santa Barbara, California at CASA DE LA RAZA (w/ comadre)
06.09. San Francisco, California at THE EGG (w/ comadre, burial year, ghostlimb)
07.09. Ukiah, California at TBA... (w/ comadre)
08.09. Half Moon Bay, California at KINDA LIKE A FEST 3
09.09. Reno, Nevada at TBA... (w/ comadre)
Cease Upon The Capitol Euro Tour 2007
23.06. NL Trashfest Groningen24.06. NL Trashfest Groningen
25.06. ???
26.06. NL SUB071 LEIDEN with Daily Fire
27.06. D Hamburg
28.06. DK Copenhagen
29.06. D Cry Me A River Fest Clarholz
30.06. D Cry Me A River Fest Clarholz
01.07. D Dresden
02.07. D Halle
03.07. D Berlin tbc
04.07. D Leipzig
05.07. D Frankfurt Exzess with x-ray charles
06.07. F Dijon
07.07. F Lyon
08.07. F Reims
09.07. F Paris
10.07. B Geel
Comadre US Summer Tour 2007
17.07. Tucson, Arizona at SKRAPPY'S (w/ graf orlock, blues, american black lung)18.07. Albuquerque, New Mexico at LA CASA (w/ graf orlock, the city is the tower)
19.07. Ft Worth, Texas at 1919 HEMPHILL (w/ graf orlock, trifle tower)
20.07. Austin, Texas at THE RED 7 (w/ graf orlock)
21.07. New Orleans, Louisiana at DRAGON'S DEN (w/ graf orlock)
22.07. Birmingham, Alabama at THE CAVE 9 (w/ graf orlock)
23.07. Charleston, South Carolina at 294 SUMTER ST HOUSE (w/ graf orlock)
24.07. Raleigh, North Carolina at THE FLINT HOUSE (w/ graf orlock)
25.07. Richmond, Virginia at NARA SUSHI (w/ graf orlock, dangers)
26.07. Washington DC, Washington DC at THE KAY SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER (w/ graf orlock, dangers)
27.07. anywhere, Indiana at HELP anywhere on the way to Indianapolis
28.07. Indianapolis, Indiana at DUDE FEST!!! (we play on this day!!!)
29.07. Toledo, Ohio at VAMPS (w/ graf orlock, ed gein, engineer)
30.07. Syracuse, New York at THE WESCOTT COMMUNITY CENTER (w/ graf orlock)
31.07. Manchester, New Hampshire at TYLER'S HOUSE (w/ graf orlock, l'antietam, kidcrash, furnace)
01.08. Stoneham, Massachusetts at THE WHITE CHURCH (w/ graf orlock)
02.08. Kensington, Connecticut at KENSINGTON AMERICAN LEGION (w/ graf orlock, the flaming tsunamis)
03.08. Brooklyn, New York at GOOD TIMES FEST!!! (w/ graf orlock, storm the bastille, more...)
04.08. Manhattan, New York at ABC NO RIO (w/ graf orlock, mass movement of the moth)
05.08. Ohio, Ohio at HELP ANYWHERE IN OHIO!!!
06.08. Moline, Illinois at THE LAZER MANSION (w/ graf orlock)
07.08. Chicago, Illinois at THE LOFT (w/ graf orlock, hewhocorrupts)
08.08. Minneapolis, Minnesota at THE CUBE (w/ graf orlock)
09.08. Sioux Falls, South Dakota at 2XTREME HOUSE
10.08. Lincoln, Nebraska at THE CHATTERBOX
11.08. Colorado Springs, Colorado at THE PIANO WAREHOUSE (w/ rfs)
12.08. Provo, Utah at tba
13.08. Boise, Idaho at THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE
14.08. Seattle, Washington at SS MARIE ANTOINETTE (w/ graf orlock, trainwreck)
15.08. Olympia, Washington at THE EAGLE'S HALL (w/ graf orlock, trainwreck)
16.08. Roseburg, Oregon at RIVERSDALE GRANGE (w/ graf orlock, trainwreck)
17.08. Redwood City, California at THE ODDSTAD ART GALLERY (w/ graf orlock, trainwreck, daniel striped tiger)
18.08. Anaheim, California at CHAIN REACTION (w/ graf orlock, trainwreck, horse the band)
19.08. San Diego, California at THE CHE CAFE (w/ graf orlock, trainwreck. maladie)
31.08. Fresno, California at TBA... (w/ trainwreck)
01.09. South Gate, California at CAFE KASHMIR (w/ trainwreck, ghost limb, trap them)
02.09. Santa Barbara, California at CASA DE LA RAZA (w/ trainwreck)
06.09. San Francisco, California at THE EGG (w/ trainwreck, burial year, ghostlimb)
07.09. Ukiah, California at TBA... (w/ trainwreck)
08.09. Half Moon Bay, California at KINDA LIKE A FEST 3
09.09. Reno, Nevada at TBA... (w/ trainwreck)
Louise Cyphre Tour 2007
22.07. czech at fluff fest23.07. ger nÜrnberg at zentralcafe k4
24.07. ger schweinfurt at stadtbahnhof
Bolz'n & White Mice Tour 2007
21.05.2007 Occi - Amsterdam/NL23.05.2007 Instants Chavires - Paris/F
24.05.2007 Juz - Saarlouis/Ger
25.05.2007 Maria am Ostbahnhof - Berlin/Ger
26.05.2007 AJZ - Bielefeld/Ger
27.05.2007 Az - Mülheim/Ger
Titan Tour April 2007
06th Can Toronto, Ontario @ Holy Joe's with With Conviction and Orca07th Can Montreal, Quebec @ Hemisphere Gauche with struck by truth
08th Can Kingston, Ontario @ Smijies with struck by truth
Towers Tour March & April 2007
16th Ger Frankfurt17th Ger Trier tba
18th F Rouen tbc
19th UK Coventry @ the Dog and Trumpet
20th UK Sheffield @ the Cricketers Arms
21st IRE Belfast @ the Bunker
22nd IRE Limerick @ Baker Place
23rd IRE Dublin @ the Lower Deck
24th UK Leeds @ Leeds Rock City with Catena Collapse & Mock Heroic
25th UK Kingston Upon Thames @ the Fighting Cocks with Silent Front, Battle of Wolf 359 & Only Until
26th F or LU or B help!
27th Ger Münster Confirmed
28th Ger tba
29th Ger leer confirmed
30th Ger hamburg confirmed
31th GER tba
01st Ger Berlin confirmed
02nd Leipzig confirmed
03rd München confirmed
04th Ger Kaiserslautern tbc
05th Ger Versmold @ Lala Haus
06th Ger Aachen
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Array ( [0] => Battle Of Wolf 359 [1] => Comadre [2] => Loma Prieta [3] => The Saddest Landscape [4] => Merkit [5] => Dolcim [6] => Titan [7] => Dolcim [8] => Titan [9] => Loma Prieta [10] => Grinding Halt [11] => Comadre [12] => Trainwreck [13] => Her Breath On Glass [14] => Khere [15] => Louise Cyphre [16] => Cease Upon The Capitol [17] => Titan [18] => Towers [19] => Bolz'n [20] => White Mice [21] => Grinding Halt [22] => The Third Memory [23] => Dominic [24] => Attack Of The Mad Axeman [25] => Of Human Debris [26] => SL-27 [27] => Vorwaerts Schoener Weltenkotzer [28] => Cease Upon The Capitol [29] => Magrudergrind [30] => June Paik [31] => A Fine Boat That Coffin [32] => Veloz [33] => Lich [34] => June Paik [35] => November 13th [36] => Resurrectionists [37] => Lara Korona [38] => Resurrectionists [39] => Alpinist [40] => Beau Navire [41] => Resurrectionists [42] => Lentic Waters [43] => Loma Prieta [44] => Tempest [45] => Lich [46] => Lentic Waters [47] => Titan [48] => Lich [49] => Autarkeia [50] => Panzram [51] => Grinding Halt [52] => Thou [53] => Resurrectionists [54] => Grinding Halt [55] => Lich [56] => Resurrectionists [57] => Resurrectionists [58] => Resurrectionists [59] => June Paik [60] => Cloud Rat [61] => The Gentle Art Of Chokin [62] => Fluoride [63] => Aureole Of Ash ) A
A Fine Boat That Coffin
Attack Of The Mad Axeman
Aureole Of Ash
Battle Of Wolf 359
Beau Navire
Cease Upon The Capitol
Cloud Rat
Grinding Halt
Her Breath On Glass
June Paik
Lara Korona
Lentic Waters
Loma Prieta
Louise Cyphre
November 13th
Of Human Debris
The Gentle Art Of Chokin
The Saddest Landscape
The Third Memory
Vorwaerts Schoener Weltenko...
White Mice
All Types
Single Shows
Future / Past
All Tours
Future Tours
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Array ( [0] => Battle Of Wolf 359 [1] => Comadre [2] => Loma Prieta [3] => The Saddest Landscape [4] => Merkit [5] => Dolcim [6] => Titan [7] => Dolcim [8] => Titan [9] => Loma Prieta [10] => Grinding Halt [11] => Comadre [12] => Trainwreck [13] => Her Breath On Glass [14] => Khere [15] => Louise Cyphre [16] => Cease Upon The Capitol [17] => Titan [18] => Towers [19] => Bolz'n [20] => White Mice [21] => Grinding Halt [22] => The Third Memory [23] => Dominic [24] => Attack Of The Mad Axeman [25] => Of Human Debris [26] => SL-27 [27] => Vorwaerts Schoener Weltenkotzer [28] => Cease Upon The Capitol [29] => Magrudergrind [30] => June Paik [31] => A Fine Boat That Coffin [32] => Veloz [33] => Lich [34] => June Paik [35] => November 13th [36] => Resurrectionists [37] => Lara Korona [38] => Resurrectionists [39] => Alpinist [40] => Beau Navire [41] => Resurrectionists [42] => Lentic Waters [43] => Loma Prieta [44] => Tempest [45] => Lich [46] => Lentic Waters [47] => Titan [48] => Lich [49] => Autarkeia [50] => Panzram [51] => Grinding Halt [52] => Thou [53] => Resurrectionists [54] => Grinding Halt [55] => Lich [56] => Resurrectionists [57] => Resurrectionists [58] => Resurrectionists [59] => June Paik [60] => Cloud Rat [61] => The Gentle Art Of Chokin [62] => Fluoride [63] => Aureole Of Ash ) A
A Fine Boat That Coffin
Attack Of The Mad Axeman
Aureole Of Ash
Battle Of Wolf 359
Beau Navire
Cease Upon The Capitol
Cloud Rat
Grinding Halt
Her Breath On Glass
June Paik
Lara Korona
Lentic Waters
Loma Prieta
Louise Cyphre
November 13th
Of Human Debris
The Gentle Art Of Chokin
The Saddest Landscape
The Third Memory
Vorwaerts Schoener Weltenko...
White Mice